May 01, 2012

May 01, 2012

IT Trends 2012

1.Tablet computing takes off

2. Marketing technology revolution

3. Network and wireless built out

4. Advanced communications

5. Business intelligence and big data

6.IT aims for revenuegrowth

7.Development of thecustomized cloud

8.Security investments remain strong

9. Consumerism of IT

10. Hardware investment continues

Now we have join into new era for technology.
We life in advanced era where micro-chips can be speak out louder than big devices.
I just want to share you the information technology trends 2012 and next future.
I take it from a magazine.
Let's check this out to know that we have join one or more.


Pak Judin said...

wew, banyak PR nih, masih banyak yang belum dikuasai

Araditiya said...

Kita tidak dituntut untuk menguasai semuanya, namun yang vperlu kita pahami (dan kuasai) adalah sebagiannya. Saya fokus pada data mining dan soft computing yang masuk dalam nomor 5 Business Intelligence and Big Data.

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